Surya Tilak Abhishek of Shriram Lalla on Shriramnavami at 12 noon

Successful technical test by IIT Roorkee

Ayodhya (UP) – On the upcoming Shriramnavami on 17th April, the Sun’s rays will anoint Shriram Lalla in the Shriram Temple. Through the optomechanical system installed on the third floor of the temple, the Sun’s rays will reach the sanctum sanctorum at noon on Shriramnavami. Here, the rays will reflect off a mirror, casting a 75mm round Tilak directly onto Ramlalla’s forehead for 4 minutes.

This unique Surya Tilak is made possible through the diligent efforts of IIT Roorkee. Temple priest Ashok Upadhyay commented that the scientific apparatus for the Surya Tilak has been installed on the third floor of the sanctum sanctorum.

Layout of the devices

Project Scientist Devdutt Ghosh explained that the setup operates on the principles of solar tracking, employing a reflector, two mirrors, three lenses, and a brass pipe. The Sun’s rays fall on the reflector mounted on the roof and are then directed to the first mirror, from which they are reflected downward. Each floor has a lens to guide the rays, travelling through a brass pipe to another mirror. Finally, the second mirror is positioned in front of Shriram Lalla within the sanctum sanctorum, allowing the Sun’s rays to anoint Shriram Lalla.