Stone pelting on Shiv Jayanti procession at Shirsoli (District Jalgaon)

  • 36 religious fanatics arrested
  • Police discover stones and bricks in the religious fanatics’ homes
  • 6 injured including the Police officers
Hindus injured in stone pelting

Jalgaon – A group of 35 to 40 religious fanatics pelted stones at the Shiva Jayanti procession in Shirsoli when it passed by Varade Galli mosque. This hostile act resulted in the injury of 6 devout Hindus, including a Policeman. The incident took place on the evening of 28th March at 8 p.m. Vehicles were damaged during the stone pelting, leaving the road strewn with debris of stones and bricks. Home Guard Pankaj Sapkar filed a formal complaint against the religious fanatics at the MIDC Police station. Subsequently, the Police initiated legal action against 36 individuals involved and apprehended them. Among these, 20 to 25 suspects were promptly arrested and transported to Jalgaon. Efforts are underway to apprehend the remaining individuals involved in the incident.

Home guard Pankaj Sapkar injured in stone pelting

1. During the incident, religious fanatic Mahmud Shamsuddin Pinjari, hurled a stone at home guard Pankaj, causing an injury to his forehead, and verbally assaulted him. Following this, Police officer Kiran Joshi admitted Pankaj, along with 4-5 others, for treatment at the District Government Medical College.

2. The riot control team from the MIDC Police station has been deployed to Shirsoli village. Authorities report that although the atmosphere in the village is tense, the situation remains under control.

Premeditated conspiracy of religious fanatics

Upon searching the homes of the religious fanatics, the Police discovered a significant stockpile of stones and bricks. It became evident that they had meticulously premeditated the act of pelting stones at the Shiv Jayanti procession as it approached the mosque in Varade Galli. Consequently, stones were hurled as soon as the procession neared the vicinity of the mosque.

Religious fanatic minors wrote derogatory remarks against Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Recently, derogatory remarks against Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj were found written on a four-wheeler at this location. Since the perpetrators were minors, they were reprimanded and subsequently released. (Haven’t the Police yet realised that religious fanatics deliberately use minors to commit crimes ? – Editor)

Stone pelting from Muslim homes on Shiv Jayanti procession – Sandeep Gavit, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Jalgaon

Regarding this matter, when the representative from the daily Sanatan Prabhat questioned Deputy Superintendent of Police Sandeep Gavit, he stated, “Stones were not thrown from the mosque but from the homes of Muslims onto the Shiv Jayanti procession in Shirsoli. Since there is a Police presence at the mosque, no stones were pelted from there. Whether there was a premeditated conspiracy to hurl stones is currently under investigation. Once the investigation is concluded, further details on this matter will be

Editorial Perspectives

  • O Hindus, beware ! Enemies can attack not only during nights, but any moment.
  • How will the Police who are unable to defend themselves from the religious fanatics protect Hindus ? Hence, Hindus should set up their own security mechanisms to protect their processions.
  • The Government should ensure that such criminals receive strict punishments, thereby dissuading religious fanatics from daring to indulge in such acts in a pro-Hindu party ruled State.
  • Note that the Congress, Communist parties, Socialist parties, BSP, pseudo-liberals, secularists or Islamic organisations, including the media do not speak about such incidents.