China is using AI to develop ‘sleep weapons’ which can put the enemy to sleep

(Credits:India Times)

Beijing (China) – The Chinese military is preparing to fight wars without entering the battlefield. They are taking the help of ‘Bio Weapons’ and ‘Artificial Intelligence’ to fight against countries like India, Australia and the USA. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has established a division called ‘Brain Warfare’, which is developing such weapons through which the minds of the enemy soldiers can be controlled and the soldiers can be put to sleep.

How China’s advanced weapons function ?

‘Brain Warfare’ unit is a part of China’s psychological warfare strategy. The enemy will be attacked with mind-controller weapons. Some weapons can put the enemy to sleep. These weapons will use ‘Electromagnetic Energy’. They will emit ‘soft-kill radio waves’, which put the soldiers of the enemy army to sleep. ‘Anti-sleep glasses’ will be used to prevent the weapons from affecting the Chinese soldiers. Research is going on to develop these glasses.

Weapons to control the behaviour of enemy soldiers

The Chinese military is also developing a device that can directly connect the brain with external technology. This would give them the ability to control the actions. In simple words, this device can control the behaviour of enemy soldiers. These advanced ‘mind-control devices’ will control the minds of Chinese soldiers and try to control the minds of enemy soldiers.

Editorial Perspective

It is no longer enough to protect India from a cunning and war-hungry China. It is desirable for India to adopt an aggressive strategy now !