Dr Rao is Professor of Communication Studies, Department of Communication, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA. He serves as the Chief Editor of ‘India Facts’. He has presented numerous papers on Indian American identity, the coverage of India and Hinduism in Western media. |
The tsunami of anti-Hindu, anti-Hindutva, anti-Hinduism articles, reports, commentaries, and editorials over the past few years, reaching a crescendo now, has been well-organized and strategically let loose to overwhelm Hindus the world over. That despite these well-engineered political and ideological plots and narratives before the general elections in India in May 2024, Indians in general and Hindus in particular, have not given up their faith in the present dispensation in New Delhi. This goes to show that India is a healthier Democracy than the diseased versions in the US, Canada, and Western Europe that have teetered on the edge of dissolution by identity fragmentation.
That the attacks against Hindus will get nastier should not surprise or shock us. The global forces arrayed against Hindus are the old genocidal, millennial religions and their God-less new adherents who are conveniently in bed with similar millennial goals. The deracinated, self-hating, ‘secular’ Hindus who either don’t care about the grand Hindu Darshanas, the multitude of Epics, Puranas, poetry, and commentaries, or who have succumbed to the lures and lores of these millennial faiths and ideologies. They constitute the ‘fifth column’, and they are happy to be on a suicide mission more deadly than the individual Islamist with bombs strapped to his chest.
So it was that in a recently shared video, a young man, presenting himself as a Hindu fighting for human rights is interviewed by an old establishment media personality in India. He tells the viewers that ‘good’ Hindus and ‘good’ Hindu leaders and Gurus are really quaking with fear because of the danger ‘Hindu nationalists’ pose to them. These ‘Hindu nationalists’ have made India a dangerous place for ‘minorities’, especially Muslims, he says. He is not asked to present any hard data. He is not asked about his organization’s affiliations with the Indian American Muslim Council, with Christian faith groups, and Washington DC, networks of ‘human rights’ and ‘interfaith’ organizations that have completely marginalized Hindu Americans. He is not asked about his organization and who funds their work. The young man, neatly decked in a kurta, with his University of Chicago credentials, is allowed to make unverifiable claims and indulge in his innuendos.
That led us to look for data : How many attacks on Muslims and Christians by Hindus have been recorded over the past 9 years since the Narendra Modi-led Government has been in power ? Do a quick Google search with the keywords ‘attacks against Muslims in India’, and Google will spit out in about three-quarters of a second 26,300,000 results ! That is an amazing number, is it not ? It goes to show the power of the echo chambers and the eco-system now in place where reality is being manufactured and algorithmically programmed. Those twenty-six million plus items begin with western media coverage, and of course ‘reports’ by western human rights organizations and think-tanks. Here are some headlines :
• India’s Hindu extremists are calling for genocide against Muslims. Why is little being done to stop them ? – CNN
• Hindu extremists in India escalate rhetoric with calls to kill Muslims – NBC News
• India’s Hindu Festivals Bring Increasing Anti-Muslim Violence – Human Rights Watch
• India’s Muslims : An Increasingly Marginalized Population – Council on Foreign Relations
• As Officials Look Away, Hate Speech in India Nears Dangerous Levels – The New York Times
• ‘Red Alert’ : Anti-Muslim Violence in India Reaching Critical Levels as Homes and Businesses Burn and at Least 24 Dead – Common Dreams
• Is India Headed for an Anti-Muslim Genocide ? – Time
• Muslims Have Become a Persecuted Minority in India, Experts Warn – Forbes
• Expert warns of impending ‘genocide’ of Muslims in India – Al Jazeera
• Blamed for Coronavirus Outbreak, Muslims in India come under Attack – NPR
These are just ten of 26.3 million results ! Surely, with these many reports we might expect that Muslims are being driven out of the country, murder and mayhem, looting and desecration of mosques, the rape and torture of Muslims all over the land, trains crammed with Muslims being led to some ‘genocidal chambers’ in Uttar Pradesh ! There would be pictures of the Sarsanghchalak of the RSS with a Kalashnikov rifle and spewing venom on Muslims & Islam.
Do we find any of this ? Has India become some dystopic land where Hindu men and women are on a bloodletting binge ? Of course not ! This drumbeat is not based on real events, verifiable data, or any honest investigation. Even reading the English newspapers in India that are viscerally opposed to the BJP-led Government, we do not find any such daily litany of horror and desecration in their pages. Yes, there are the usual ‘experts’ offering their slanted opinions, who then are hired on handsome wages to repeat their bilge in foreign media outlets or be interviewed by western ‘experts’ seeking desperately some support for their speculations.
Do we find foreign consulates shutting down their offices in Delhi, or the Gulf Nations stopping their petroleum supplies to India ? Has any Nation imposed sanctions on India ? Has the United Nations passed any resolution against India ? Have the OIC member states begun arming themselves to send their armies to stop this ‘genocide’ ? Yes, India’s immediate western neighbour has been sending radicalized Muslim young men to go blow themselves up in India, as at Pulwama, or training their soldiers to infiltrate Indian territory.
With the kind of drumbeats announcing imminent ‘genocide’ of Muslims, a visitor would not be able to find one living Muslim soul in India. As far as we know there is increased international tourist traffic to India, and traffic jumped after the Narendra Modi Government took power in Delhi. It only fell as the pandemic swept across the world. As far as we know, Muslim population growth has been the highest in India – more than that of Hindus, over the past seven decades since India got Independence. India has the second largest Muslim population in the world, and will soon become the largest Muslim country in the world, and there has been little change in India’s religious make-up. However, we have witnessed that after India was split in two in 1947, and Pakistan was split in two in 1971, the Hindu population has precipitously declined both in Pakistan and Bangladesh, with Hindus on the verge of extinction in both countries. Where is the hue and cry in the world about what is the real, carefully planned decimation, the ‘genocide’ of the Hindu population in both these countries that were once part of India ?
And as we have pointed out earlier, the three most genocidal faiths are Christianity, Islam, and Marxism. There are 119 Christian majority countries in the world, 50 Muslim majority countries, and there are 57 members in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. There are 21 countries that are officially Christian. There are 7 Islamic states, and 13 countries with Islam as the state religion. The distinction is mere hair-splitting. How many Hindu states are there in this world ? None !
Just Google ‘three most genocidal religions/faiths’ and nothing comes up that points to the 2009 study by Naveed Sheikh – ‘Body Count : A Quantitative Review of Political Violence Across World Civilizations’, in which he offers data from 0 CE to 2008 CE to show that Christianity is the most genocidal religion, followed by the ‘Antitheist’ (Communist) states and movements. Third on the list is what he labels the ‘Sinic civilization,’ fourth, the Buddhist, fifth the ‘Primal-Indigenous,’ and sixth is Islamic. The ‘Indic’ civilization, he points out, is and has been the least violent. One can delve further to see if indeed the Islam-inspired destruction around the world, and especially in India, is as little as Sheikh claims. Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup argue otherwise. Dr Bostom, a medical doctor, who teaches at Brown University, has written in his book ‘The Legacy of Jihad’ that ‘Jihad conquests were brutal, imperialist advances, which spurred waves of Muslims to expropriate vast expanse of lands and subdue millions of indigenous peoples’.
So, to circle back to where we started. Why this drumbeat against Hindus ? What is the agenda ? Why the lies ? Who are behind the generation of millions of reports against Hindus ? Monopolist, supremacist, violent forces have not changed their agenda : To make the rest of the world theirs. Hindus, Hinduism, and the Indian state are the easiest of targets at this juncture, and they will strategize and plan to weaken if not destroy us, especially as we near the 2024 general elections, and especially because the BJP is speculated to come back to power. Anyone who dares stand up and challenge them therefore is labeled a Hindu nationalist, as ‘far right,’ or ‘right wing,’ or a ‘Hindutva’ agent. They have sought to push us into corners, and in escaping if we seek any support elsewhere, we are branded ‘racist,’ and supporters of ‘white nationalists’. Every trick in their ugly trade is vicious. But stand up, we must. Respond, we should. Call out their lies, over and over again, we better !
(Courtesy : Excerpts from an Article under the same title on IndiaFacts.org.in, 28.4.2023)
The global forces arrayed against Hindus are the old genocidal, millennial religions and their God-less new adherents ! |