Congress leader Sachin Pilot questioned by his own party’s Muslim leader

The matter of the appeal filed against the decision of freeing the Jaipur Bomb Blast case accused
by Rajasthan Government in Supreme Court

Congress leader and Minister Sachin Pilot (left)

Jaipur (Rajasthan) – There were serial bomb blasts here in Jaipur on the 18th of May 2008 in which 71 individuals died and 185 were injured. The four accused in this case were found guilty by the Jaipur District Court and given the death penalty. This judgement was appealed against in the Rajasthan High Court.  On the 29th of March 2023, the High Court acquitted them and freed them.  The victims of the terrorist attack filed a petition against the High Court’s decision in the Supreme Court. After facing criticism in this matter the Congress Government of Rajasthan after a lapse of 40 days filed an appeal in the Supreme Court against the High Court judgement. Muslims of Rajasthan did not approve of this action. They demanded an explanation from their own Congress leader and Minister Sachin Pilot about filing the appeal. A video about this has been posted by the Muslim leader on his Facebook page.

As there is a possibility of elections in Rajasthan Sachin Pilot had gone to his constituency Tonk, the people of Tonk stopped his car and told him their problems. At that time, the Congress Minority Department’s District Secretary Mohsin Rasheed asked Sachin Pilot, ‘Why the Rajasthan Government had appealed to the Supreme Court against the High Court’s Judgement in the matter of the release of the Jaipur Bomb Blast accused’. Rasheed said that the Muslims were not pleased with the Government’s stand. To this Sachin Pilot advised him that instead of speaking about religious matters, concentrate on the party work. Then Rasheed questioned Pilot regarding no comments about Naseer and Rashid (the accused who beheaded Kanhaiyalal). Sachin Pilot did not respond and got into his car and drove away. Rasheed has put up the video of this incident on his Facebook page as well.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • This shows that Muslims owe their first allegiance to Islam and secondly to others.
  • We do not see any Muslim leaders, organisations, or religious leaders, condemning any incident of jihadi terrorist activity in the country. But if Jihadi Muslims get arrested in this crime they come out on the streets to protest against the arrests.