Sanatan Prabhat > Post Type > Spiritual Practice > Gurukrupayog for God-realization Gurukrupayog for God-realization 16 Jul 2023 | 12:14 AMJuly 7, 2023 Share this on :TwitterFacebookWhatsapp Share this on :TwitterFacebookWhatsapp Latest Articles Fanatic Muslims pelt stones at Hindus for a trivial reasonPolice stop Muslims from blocking the road to break ‘Roza’ outside State Administrative BuildingDistrict Collector’s office board immediately changed after the awareness campaign by a reporter of Sanatan Prabhat Ajay KelkarRadiant Thoughts of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant AthavaleWe pay our obeisance a million times on the Birthday (as per Tithi) ofAgnihotra : To prevent radiation from destructive nuclear bombs .On the occasion of World Agnihotra Day (12th March 2025)