Little publicity for the march of 10,000 Hindus; but widespread publicity for the progressives’ report on the same subject

Kolhapur – A grand march was taken out in Kolhapur on 17thMarch under the initiative of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Hindu Rashtra Saman Samiti to rename Shivaji Vidyapeeth in Kolhapur as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vidyapeeth. More than 10,000 Hindu devotees attended this march. Prior to this march, progressives and communists held meetings against the name change and also submitted a memorandum to the District Collector and the Vice Chancellor of Shivaji Vidyapeeth. Despite the very small presence of progressive and communist activists, the media gave this news a lot of publicity. On the other hand, although the march of Hindu devotees in Kolhapur on 17th March was the most important event in the city that day, many newspapers, except for a few media outlets, published this news on the inside page.
On the day of the march, some organisations opposing the name expansion submitted a memorandum to the District Collector, while some organisations protested at Shivaji University. Even for this, even though there were only a handful of people, they were given more space for news. This shows how progressives prove their narrative and how the ecosystem of progressives works.