Blinded by caste system is the cause of Hindus’ downfall

In old days Hindus’ line of thinking was ‘कृण्वन्तो विश्वम् आर्यम् ।’ i.e. Krunvanto Vishwam Aaryam, meaning let us make the entire world civilised. Saint Jnaneshwar has said, ‘The entire world is my home’. Conversely, in the present phase of Kaliyug, Hindus do not have a sense of belonging with the Hindus who are tortured in India, forget those in the rest of the world. They give greater importance to their caste than Hindu Dharma. As a result, Hindus and India have reached unfathomable depths of downfall in every field.

– Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, Founder-Editor, Sanatan Prabhat Group of Periodicals