Prayagraj – As per the orders of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the devotees are receiving good medical treatment at various places at the Maha Kumbha. So far 10,000 devotees have been benefitted. Along with the Central Hospital, Arail Central Hospital has also opened an OPD (outside patients department). Specialist doctors from the Central Hospital have been appointed at the hospitals set up at various locations across the Kumbha Mela site, which is helping the devotees receive special treatment. Doctors at the Central Hospital are taking care of the patients with great enthusiasm.
Nodal Treatment set up at Maha Kumbha
Doctor Gaurav Dubey said, “According to the Chief Minister’s directive, the devotees are receiving good medical treatment at various places in Maha Kumbha. At Sector 24, a Sub-Central Hospital has been set up, where full capacity is used to treat the patients.”