![]() Vaishakha Shukla Tritiya (The third day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Vaishakha) is known as Akshayya Tritiya. Akshayya Tritiya is the day when Satyayug ended and Tretayug began. Today, a vrat (Vowed religious observance) is often observed, which has several important aspects. In this article, let us learn about the significance of ‘Til-tarpan’, especially to our ancestors on Akshayya Tritiya day. The ancient Sanskrut Holy text named ‘Madanratna’ says that Bhagawan Shrikrushna narrated the importance of this day to Yudhishthir. He said – O’ Yudhishtir ! The offerings made and the oblations offered in a sacrificial fire on this day never go in vain. Hence, Sages have imparted the name ‘Akshayya’ Tritiya to this day. Everything done on this day for the sake of Deities and ancestors is ‘Akshayya’, meaning, they are imperishable. |
1. This day marks the end of Satyayuga and the beginning of Tretayuga
In every Yuga (Era), with time, sattvikata (Spiritual purity) keeps reducing, meaning, the effect of Raja-Tama components goes on increasing. The ability of the humans to perform spiritual practice reduces and they do not abide by Dharma.
In such a situation, God incarnates for the purpose of establishing Dharma (Righteousness) and creates the appropriate means of spiritual practice that can be followed by humans. This spiritual practice helps in increasing sattvikata and marks the beginning of Satyayuga of the next Era. This transition period is known as Shunya-kal or Kalaha-kal.
As per Hindu Scriptures, the day which marks the end of one Era and the beginning of another is considered to be very important. It marks the end of Kalaha-kal of one Era and commencement of the Satyayug of the next Era. This muhurt (Auspicious time) lasts for a few moments, but its effect lasts for the next 24 hours. Therefore, the whole day is considered to be auspicious.
2. It is a day on which the Incarnations manifest
On this day, Incarnations such as Hayagreeva, Parashuram and Naranarayana manifested.
3. It is one among the 31/2 auspicious times
Akshayya Tritiya is one of the 31/2 auspicious muhurts; the others are – Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (Hindu New Year), Vijaya Dashami. These are the 3 muhurts and Bali Pratipada is considered to be a half muhurt.
4. Increase in sattvikata of the Earth
On this day, Deity Brahma and Shri Vishnu Principles jointly descend to the Earth, which increases the sattvikata of the Earth by 10%.
5. Method of celebrating the Holy festival
Since Indians always consider the first day of any time period to be auspicious, the Scriptures prescribe rituals such as ritualistic bathing, donations on such days. The ritual performed on Akshayya Tritiya includes a bath with sacred water, ritualistic worship of Shri Vishnu, chanting, a homa (Fire-sacrifice performed to appease the Deities), donations and Pitru-tarpan (Offerings to the ancestors).
It is recommended that Apindak Shraddha (Rite for the departed ancestors) be done on Akshayya Tritiya, and if this is not possible, then at least an offering of sesame seeds should be made.
Offerings should be only to the deserving. Offerings to Saints or spiritual organisations that spread Dharma in society would be an offering to the deserving. By offering to the deserving, the act of donating becomes an akarma-karma (An action which despite being a karma, does not contribute to increasing the destiny).
The account of merits-sins is not applicable to an akarma-karma. Therefore, the donor is not entrapped in any kind of attachment and helps in his spiritual progress.
6. The meaning and purpose of til-tarpan
Til-tarpan means offering til (Sesame seeds) and tarpan means offering water to the Deities and ancestors. Water offered for the ancestors is called Pitru-tarpan.
Ancestors expect Pinda and Brahman-bhojan from their descendants; they expect to get water too from them. Tarpan satisfies the ancestors. Til symbolise sattvikata and water symbolises pure bhav (Spiritual emotion).
Deities are offered white til and ancestors are offered black til. Black til emit vibrations of Raja / Tama components, with the help of which the dissatisfied souls of ancestors can easily come to the place on Earth where such a ritual is being performed. They have a part of offering made in this ritual and are satisfied.
7. Method of til-tarpan for Deities
Position of the palm during this til-tarpan :
A. Hold a round shelving copper dish.
B. Remember Deity Brahma and Shri Vishnu and their combined form, Deity Dattatreya, and pray to them to descend onto this dish.
C. Have the bhav that Deities have descended onto the copper dish in their subtle form.
D. Take white til, and with a bhav of offering them to the Deities, let them flow through the fingers into the copper dish placed below by pouring water on the palm.
E. Join the palms and pay obeisance to the Deities.
When til and water are offered with bhav to the Deities, the one making the offering can imbibe their sattvikata to a larger extent.
8. Importance of til-tarpan to the ancestors
On this day, sattvikata from higher regions reaches the Earth to a greater extent. Many souls from the Nether region come close to the Earth on this day to imbibe sattvikata. This can cause distress to humans. Distress due to dissatisfied ancestors’ souls is about 30 to 40%. Since their souls come close to the Earth, they get energy through the til-tarpan and get momentum for their onward journey.
9. Manner of til-tarpan for ancestors
A. Take a round shelving copper dish and pray to the ancestors to come onto the dish.
B. Have bhav that they have descended in the subtle form onto the dish.
C. Take some black til in the hands and pray to Shri Vishnu and Brahma for the til to get charged with their Principles.
D. These til, charged with the Principles of Deities, should be offered in the copper dish along with water, which should be released through the space between the thumb and the index finger. Have the bhav that you are offering til and water to your ancestors.
E. Pray to Deity Dattatreya, Brahma or Shri Vishnu for the smooth onward journey of the ancestors’ souls.
(Ref.: Sanatan’s Text – ‘Appropriate method & science in celebrating Holy festivals’)
Offerings to Saints or spiritual organisations that spread Dharma in society would be an offering to the deserving !