Shraddha in Pitru Paksha (21st September to 7th October 2021)

Shraddha is essential to repay the debt unto the pitars (Departed ancestors) out of the 4 debts unto Deities, Sages, ancestors and society. Sanskar performed for the journey after the death of our parents and close relatives to be comfortable and without any distress and their sadagati (Momentum for moving to the next higher region) is called shraddha. The mantras recited during shraddha contain the subtle-energy to provide momentum to the pitars. During shraddha, since the pitars receive havirbhag (their share), they remain satisfied. Though shraddha has so much importance, due to lack of education on Hindu Dharma, the shraddha rites are ignored. Hence, it becomes necessary to say that like the other sanskars in Hindu Dharma, shraddha too is an essential sanskar. The Pitru Paksha is from 21st September to 7th October this year. We are presenting a write-up of important aspects here.

Restrictions to be observed on the day of shraddha

1. Women should refrain from leaving their hair free, laughing, crying, chatting or indulging in unholy talk.

2. Cattle, etc. in the house should not be put to work on the day of shraddha.

3. Sandalwood paste should not be applied to the forehead before offering the pinda.

4. Do not ring a bell while the shraddha rites are in progress. While the Pitrupuja (Ritualistic worship of pitars) is in progress even if the bell is rung accidentally, the pitars leave the venue.

5. The shraddhabhokta should apply a tilak of bhasma pointed upwards, and after eating, recite the Gayatrimantra ten times.

(Only Hindu Dharma has studied religious rites and rituals in such depth. – Editor)

(Ref. : Sanatan’s Spiritual text – ‘Spiritual science underlying various acts in Shraddha’)

Before making a resolve for the shraddha, it is necessary to give a thought to dwarlopa (Break in the link of the triad)

If from the triad of Pitrutrayi, Matrutrayi and Matamahatrayi, one is alive, then dwarlopa occurs. One ancestor from the triad of the pitars from the mother’s side (for example, the father) is dead, but the grandfather is alive, then there is dwarlopa after the father. Without taking dwarlopa into account, some priests ask the performer to utter the three names, meaning, even if the grandfather is alive, his name is pronounced during the shraddha. This is inappropriate.

If the father is dead but the grandfather is alive, then omitting his name, the priest should pronounce the names of the previous generation of ancestors. The resolve for the shraddha should be made only after giving due thought to the Parvana, dwarlopa of the performer.

What is the spiritual science underlying the Brahman facing the east while sitting in the place meant for Deities and facing the north while sitting in the place meant for pitars during shraddha ?

The Kriya-lahari (Waves of action) congregate in the east-west direction. (Jnan-lahari [Waves of knowledge], Iccha-lahari [Waves of desire] and Kriya-lahari are the three main waves in the universe. – Editor) By reciting mantras during shraddha, these waves gain momentum. The karma performed by the Brahman who faces this direction bears fruit to the resolve made due to the sattvik waves of the Deities attracted to this direction; thus, the result is also more.

For the pitars to enter the earth’s atmosphere, the flow of Yama waves is conducive. When compared with other directions, since the proportion of the congregated tiryak and Yama waves in the north-south direction is more, the donations to the Brahmans who represent the pitars bear fruit in a short time.

Hence, the Brahmans who represent the Deities are made to sit facing the east and the Brahmans who represent the pitars are made to sit facing the north. In this manner, the waves that congregate in the particular direction are utilised for providing maximum fruit related to that particular karma.

– A Scholar (Through the medium of Sadguru [Mrs.] Anjali Gadgil, 2.12.2005)