Islamic ideology and the resultant violence are a major threat to security :  Tony Blair, the former PM, Britain

Editorial comments

  • So far, people have been saying that terrorists have no religion and attempts were made to protect Islamists. Now, however, the former Prime Minister of Britain has realised that the violence arising out of Islamism is dangerous for the security of the world !
  • Do the other world leaders feel the same as Tony Blair or do they still want to continue living in the fool’s paradise of secularism ?     

London (Britain) – I feel that Islamic ideology and the resultant violence are a major threat to security. If it is not controlled in time, we will be the sufferers, warned the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Blair was speaking at the ‘Royal United Services Institute’ in London on the occasion of 20 years of the 9/11 attack in the US. (One terrorist attack in the US leads to discussions at a global level, but thousands of Hindus are being killed in Kashmir for the last 32 years and an equal number of Hindus were forced to run away from Kashmir. Nobody seems to talk much about those Islamists’ attacks neither in India nor in the world, which is disgraceful for Hindus. – Editor) Blair also said that the control over Afghanistan by the Taliban is a danger of fanatic Islamist ideology and it cannot be overlooked.

Blair said,

1. Fanatic Islam believes in making ‘Islamism’ i.e. the religion as a political system. To accomplish this goal, if an armed battle is necessary that is also right under this fanatic ideology. Even other Islamists expect similar things, but they keep away from violence. Even then, their ideology is contrary to the free, modern, and culturally tolerant society.

2. Taliban is an organisation that is a part of a fanatic Islamic movement staged at the global level. Different organisations are joining this movement. These organisations may be different but they follow the same ideology.