Israel deploys troops at Gaza border

  • Ground and air attack on Palestine
  • Israel’s army likely to enter Palestine

Tel Aviv (Israel) – Israel has started preparations to attack Palestine from all sides by deploying large-scale defence force across the Gaza Strip border. Massive bombardment on a large number of targets in the northern Gaza Strip is on; because of this, there is a possibility of conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Israel has ordered the 9,000 reservists to join the army against the attack by the jihadi Hamas, a terrorist organisation. Israeli authorities have reported civilians living at the border to go into bunkers. Officials expressed the possibility of rocket attacks by Hamas in retaliation against Israel’s action. The possibility of a war between the two countries is being anticipated as the Israeli army is set to enter into Palestine.

Conflicts between Jews and Arabs in Israel !

It is proven that Muslims never live peacefully with the country in which they live. Wherever they are in the world, their religion is foremost for them. There are news about riots between Jews and the native Arab community in some cities of Israel. The two communities keep attacking each other. Vehicles have been vandalised in some places. Flights to Israel’s main airport have been cancelled due to these attacks.