Police Inspector beats up Imam of a mosque for not following lockdown guidelines in Gorakhpur (UP)!

Police Inspector suspended after opposition by religious fanatics

Symbolic photograph

Gorakhpur (UP) – Tension is prevailing in Turkmanpur after a Police Inspector beat up an Imam outside a mosque as he did not observe the lockdown guidelines. A group of religious fanatics surrounded the Police in the Police station. After the Police authorities received this information, a large number of Police reached the place where the incident had occurred. At present, Police forces are deployed in large numbers there. The Police Inspector who beat up the Imam has been suspended

The Imam complained that the Police Inspector abused and beat him and also threatened him with a gun. On learning about this incident, religious fanatics demanded that the Police Inspector should be suspended and a complaint should be registered. According to the Police, people were being told to follow the rules laid down during the lockdown. But the Imam instigated the crowd and they began the attack.