Insufficient numbers, Congress government falls in Puducherry 

Puducherry – The Congress government in Puducherry lost the trust vote. Two more MLAs from the Congress-DMK coalition led by Chief Minister V. Narayan Swamy resigned reducing the government to a minority. The  government collapsed after failing to prove a majority in the no-confidence motion on February 22. With the resignation of one MLA each from the Congress and the DMK, the strength of the ruling Congress alliance depleted to 11 against the oppositions 14 in the 33-member Assembly. A special session was called for a day to prove the majority.

This is political prostitution – Chief Minister Narayanaswamy

Congress has done such manipulation of MPs and MLAs several times, where was Narayanaswamy then?

MLAs should be loyal to the party. The MLAs who resign will never be able to face the people; they will be looked upon as opportunists.

Before the trust vote, Narayanswamy said that ‘What is going on in Puducherry is political prostitution; but only truth will win’.