- Isn’t it a matter of shame that such proposal is brought in British Parliament but not in the Indian Parliament !
- It is shameful for politicians of all parties that in the last 3 decades none of the culprits who made the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus forceful is punished !

London (Britain) – Bob Blackman, MP of ruling party in Britain tabled a proposal in the British Parliament in the commemoration towards the Kashmiri Hindus who were forced to leave Kashmir by Jihadi terrorists and religious fanatics 30 years ago. This debate about the massacre of Kashmiri Hindus was supported by Jim Shannon, MP of Democratic Unionist Party and Virendra Sharma, Labour Party. Mr. Blackman said that ‘the Indians living in Britain should also raise their voice for the justice of Kashmiri Hindus. This would stand in the support of proposal brought for Kashmiri Hindus.’
UK MP Padmashree Bob Blackman, who tabled an early day motion in UK Parliament in commemoration of Kashmiri Pandits' exodus in 1989-90, speaks exclusively to India Today's @loveenatandon. Listen in#ReporterDiary
More Videos: https://t.co/FAHzdk9TO8 pic.twitter.com/DjBuheIc0R— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) September 17, 2020
- This commemoration was expressed in the House of Commons through Early Day Motion. This debate demanded that the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus should be classified as ‘Genocide’. Indian Government was urged to legislate a Genocide Crime Punishment Law in fulfilment of their international obligation by being a participant and signatory to the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
- Bob Blackman said in conversation with India Today that ‘ Kashmiri Hindus who were forced to leave their house 30 years ago are still waiting for the justice. I have raised voice against the atrocities on Kashmiri Hindus since last 30 years. I have started a movement for their rights. There is no law for the crime of genocide in India. So the justice and punishment to the culprits are getting delayed. In Britain, there is a separate law for the crime of genocide; because it is obliged by the International Treaty. I hope that India would also fulfil its responsibility in this regard. (What would be more shameful that a British and Christian MP has to bring it to limelight ? – Editor)
- Bob Blackman had stood in support after the Article 370 was removed. He said that, ‘the whole Kashmir is an integral part of India.’ Since Kashmir is united with India, Pakistan army should leave Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK).
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide by the UN
According to the International Law every country is responsible to stop the crime against the genocide and to punish those found guilty. According to ‘Genocide Convention, 1948’ the genocide at the time war also would be considered a crime. In this case even if the senior officials are involved, they will be punished. India has signed the Treaty of Convention in 1959; however the law on Genocide is not yet made. Some people are of the opinion that there is no such need of such law in India as the existing laws are sufficient.
What is ‘Early Day Motion’?
Through Early Day Motion, British MPs can express their view on a particular topic and bring the matter to parliament’s attention. Only if this is supported then the debate on the topic takes place in the parliament; there are however very few topics for which they get support and debate take place.