PM Modi’s attendance will be a violation of his constitutional oath

Asaduddin Owaisi spews poison over ‘Bhoomi pujan’ of Ram Temple  

  • Did Owaisi not feel the violation of the Constitution when he accepted grants for the Haj pilgrimage, facilities given by Sachar commission ?
  • The Constitution has bestowed everybody with the right to abide by his Dharma. Prime Minister is Hindu and if he is performing some action as per Dharma, the opposition by Owaisi to that actions would be a violation of the Constitution.
Prime Minister Modi and Asaduddin Owaisi

Hyderabad (Telangana) – AIMIM chief and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi on Tuesday said that by attending the Ram Mandir Bhoomi pujan ceremony on 5th August, Prime Minister Narendra Modi would violate his constitutional oath. Owaisi, in a tweet, reminded PM Modi that secularism was among the basic tenets of the Constitution of India.

“We can’t forget that for over 400 years Babri stood in Ayodhya & it was demolished by a criminal mob in 1992,” Owaisi wrote. (Hindus also did not forget that Babar demolished Ram Temple and built the mosque there. Hindus fought for Temple for 400 years. At last, the Court agreed to their viewpoint and gave the verdict favouring Hindus. Owaisi should remember this permanently. If those who demolished the structure of Babri are criminals, who were the destroyer of Ram Temple Babar and those demolishing hundreds of temples ? – Editor.)