The novel coronavirus (nCoV) is now spreading much more rapidly outside China, leading the world into uncharted territory, but the outbreak can still be contained, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on 2nd March. The virus has so far claimed over 4,000 lives and there are over 90,000 confirmed cases with new cases emerging every day.
What is coronavirus ?
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.
How does coronavirus spread ?
The principal mode of transmission is still thought to be respiratory droplets, which may travel up to six feet from someone who is sneezing or coughing. The new coronavirus is not believed to be an airborne virus, like measles or smallpox, that can circulate through the air.
Close contact with an infectious person, such as shaking hands or touching a doorknob, tabletop or other surfaces touched by an infectious person, and then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth can also transmit the virus.
The virus may be spread by faecal contamination of the environment, such as through leaky sewage pipes. Infections across multiple floors of a building due to contaminated bathroom pipes.
What are the signs of infections?
Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
How to prevent infection from spreading ?
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth after touching contaminated items.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
- Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
There is no specific antiviral treatment recommended for COVID-19. People with COVID-19 should receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. For severe cases, treatment should include care to support vital organ functions.
People who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider immediately.
Some interesting facts about coronavirus
1. When a cluster of several infected people occurred in China, it was most often (78-85%) caused by an infection within the family by droplets and other carriers of infection in close contact with the infected person. Most of the 2,055 infected hospital workers were either infected at home or in the early phase of the outbreak in Wuhan Province (China) when hospital safeguards were not raised yet.
2. 5% of people who are diagnosed with Covid require artificial respiration. Another 15% need to breathe in highly concentrated oxygen – and not just for a few days. The duration from the beginning of the disease until recovery is 3 to 6 weeks on average for these severe and critical patients (compared to only 2 weeks for the mildly ill).
3. The vast majority of those infected sooner or later develop symptoms. Cases of people in whom the virus has been detected and who do not have symptoms at that time are rare – and most of them fall ill in the next few days.
4. An examination of infected people in China showed a fatality rate of 3.4%. Fatality is strongly influenced by age, pre-existing conditions, gender, and especially the response of the health care system.
5. Pre-existing conditions : The fatality rate for those infected with pre-existing cardiovascular disease in China was 13.2%. It was 9.2% for those infected with high blood sugar levels (uncontrolled diabetes), 8.4% for high blood pressure, 8% for chronic respiratory diseases and 7.6% for cancer. Infected persons without a relevant previous illness died in 1.4% of cases.
6. Age : The younger you are, the less likely you are to be infected and the less likely you are to fall seriously ill if you do get infected.
7. Gender : Women catch the disease just as often as men. But only 2.8% of Chinese women who were infected died from the disease, while 4.7% of the infected men died. The disease appears to be not more severe in pregnant women than in others. In 9 examined births of infected women, the children were born by caesarean section and healthy without being infected themselves. The women were infected in the last trimester of pregnancy. What effect an infection in the first or second trimester has on embryos is currently unclear as these children are still unborn.
8. Much of the global community is not yet ready, in mindset and materially, to implement the measures that have been employed to contain COVID-19 in China. These are the only measures that are currently proven to interrupt or minimize transmission chains in humans.
9. COVID-19 is spreading with astonishing speed. COVID-19 outbreaks in any setting have very serious consequences; and there is now strong evidence that non-pharmaceutical interventions can reduce and even interrupt transmission. The global and national preparedness planning is often ambivalent about such interventions. However, to reduce COVID-19 illness and death, near-term readiness planning must embrace large-scale implementation of high-quality, non-pharmaceutical public health measures.
Role of banks more important
Officials with the US Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and Bank of Japan have signalled in recent days that they stand ready to do more if needed.
Could impact India adversely
Coronavirus outbreak could cause a dent to the recovery of the Indian economy amid supply chain disruptions and inflationary pressures. According to Dun & Bradstreet’s Economy Observer report, manufacturing companies could face production disruptions if the length of the outbreak gets prolonged and their supply chain is not restored to normalcy.
“The outbreak of coronavirus, through direct and indirect linkages of trade and commerce and global supply chain, could impact Indian companies”, said Arun Singh, Chief Economist Dun & Bradstreet India. He added that inflationary pressures are likely to rise, atleast in the short term, through the channels of uncertainty and disruption in the supply chain.
Trade impact for India
The trade impact of the coronavirus epidemic for India is estimated to be about 348 million dollars (Rs. 2,500 crore) and the country figures among the top 15 economies most affected as a slowdown of manufacturing in China disrupt world trade, according to a UN report.
Estimates published by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said the slowdown of manu-facturing in China due to the COVID-19 outbreak is disrupting world trade and could result in a 50 billion dollar decrease in exports across global value chains.
The most affected sectors include precision instruments, machinery, automotive and communication equipment. Among the most-affected economies are the European Union (USD 15.6 billion), the United States (USD 5.8 billion), Japan (USD 5.2 billion), South Korea (USD 3.8 billion), Taiwan Province of China (USD 2.6 billion) and Vietnam ( USD 2.3 billion).
Senior citizens at greater risk
If you have an elderly person at home, make sure they are kept away from crowded places and encourage them to practice hand hygiene more vigorously than before. For they are the ones who are at a maximum risk to develop serious complications such as pneumonia and respiratory failure on getting infected with coronavirus.
Only 25 flyers on 256-seater flight
In the ‘extraordinary circumstances’ that international airlines find themselves, under the cloud of Covid-19, even dirt cheap fares are finding only few takers. So, when a Singapore flight took off from Mumbai, the 256-seater plane had just 25 passengers. Similarly, a London-Mumbai flight landed in the city with only 60 passengers in economy class.
Maharashtra Govt. notification on offence against spreading rumours
As per a notification issued by the Public Health Department of Government of Maharashtra, criminal action will be taken against those who spread rumours or unofficial information. Necessary information about this notification issued on 14th March is given ahead.
No person/Institution/Organization will use any print or electronic or social media for dissemination of any information regarding COVID-19 without ascertaining the facts and prior clearance of the Commissioner, Health Services, Director of Health Services (DHS-I & II), Director, Medical Education & Research (DMER), or Divisional Commissioner and Collector as the case may be. This is necessary to avoid spread of any unauthenticated information and/or rumors regarding COVID-19. If any person/Institution/Organization is found indulging in such activity, it will be treated as a punishable offence under these Regulations.
Official scientific Information on Coronavirus
1. The ‘Corona -19’ pandemic
‘Corona’ is one type of virus. The pandemic spreading in the world currently is due to the virus ‘Corona – 19’. It mainly spreads from one individual to another.
2. Spreading of coronavirus through droplets in sneezing, etc.
2A. From the cough of a patient
When a patient infected with the coronavirus symptoms as well as an individual who does not have any symptoms coughs or sneezes, fine droplets of saliva get sprayed in the air. These droplets carry these viruses. These droplets can spread up to 1 metre in the air from the infected individual. These are heavy, and hence, fall and stay on a table, floor, etc. Therefore, people within 1 metre of an infected individual are more likely to get infected.
2B. By touching objects
As given above, the coronavirus released from the droplets of cough or sneeze of a patient fall on surrounding objects. These can remain active for 12 hours. When we touch such objects with our hands, the virus sticks to our hands. After this, if the hand touches the face or nose, we can get the coronavirus infection.
3. Symptoms of disease
1. Fever, 2. Cough, 3.Sore throat, 4. Cold, 5. Difficulty in breathing, 6. Headache, 7. Diarrhoea
4. Acute symptoms
1. Acute soreness of throat. 2. Fever more than 38 degrees Celsius. 3. Shortness of breath. 4. Chest pain. 5. Coughing up blood. 6. Low blood pressure 7. Nails turning dark blue. 8 Irritability and increase in sleeplessness in children
5. Who is at greater risk and what care should be taken ?
Those who have come in contact with individuals who have come from the Central Government’s list of banned countries as well as those who have tested positive are likely to get the coronavirus infection. Therefore, such people should contact the Government health officers and seek their advice.
If pregnant women, children, elders above 60 years of age, as well as people with high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes, cancer (and those continuing with cancer treatment), asthma, etc. get the infection, it can prove to be very serious for them.
Hence, such people should avoid contact with patients mentioned in Point 3, and avoid going to crowded places as well as avoid unnecessary travel.
6. What to do if someone is suspected of having coronavirus ?
Consult a registered medical practitioner without wasting any time. Visit the nearest Government hospital and get tested for corona-virus. Follow the advice of doctors.
Do not believe any verbal information and rumours ! Do not seek unscientific treatment or go to fake doctors !
The current situation arising from Coronavirus outbreak reminds us of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s words – ‘It will be impossible to go out of our house in the coming adverse times’ – proving that He is a Seer !

1. Fear in people as coronavirus outbreak paralyses everyday life : Coronavirus has caused havoc all around the globe, including India. The Indian Government has advised people not to go to public places, avoid travelling and eating outside, etc. as the coronavirus is spreading alarmingly. In some cities, public gatherings have been banned. Many Universities and schools have been closed. In some Government and private offices, employees have been advised to work from their homes. At some places, only 25% employees have been advised to come to work. Also, national and international conferences have been cancelled.
Overall, coronavirus has disrupted everyday life and created fear in the people.
2. Coronavirus outbreak limits the scope of satseva for seekers and forces cancellation of Dharmasabha and other activities : Important activities of Sanatan Sanstha (exhibitions of Spiritual and other Texts) and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (Hindu Rashtra Jagruti Sabhas, National campaigns, etc.) have been cancelled due to health and safety reasons arising from coronavirus outbreak. Seekers are unable to go out for satseva of spreading Dharma which involves meeting well-wishers and devout followers of Dharma, holding public satsangs and lectures, etc. As a result, seekers are performing whatever satseva that is possible from home.
3. Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s prediction – It will be impossible to go out of our house in the coming adverse times’ : About 15-20 years ago, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale had said, ‘According to the significance of that particular time, adverse times will arrive soon. An unfavourable environment will develop for performing satseva and spiritual practice. Further, the adverse times will be so severe that seekers will be unable to go out of their homes for spreading Spirituality’.
Cyclones, landslides, earthquakes, floods, outbreak of diseases are all indicators of beginning of the adverse times. The rapid spread of coronavirus, which has left many dead, is an indicator of the coming severe adverse times. The current situation is a ‘preview’ of this prediction by Saints of the possible adverse times. A much severe adverse time is on the threshold.
Gurudev had already warned everyone in this regard and guided all to perform spiritual practice to build inner strength to face the adverse times. This shows that He is a Seer and Omniscient.
O’ Seekers ! Express gratitude for being able to get an opportunity to perform spiritual practice and satseva even during the adverse times. The significance of time is manifold intense in adverse times than in favourable times; hence, give as much time as possible for Guruseva, and experience the favourable times (meaning, the Guru’s grace) even in adverse times.
– Sanatan’s Sadguru (Mrs.) Binda Singbal, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa.
A chant suggested by God for obtaining spiritual strength to develop immunity against Coronavirus

A Sanskrut shloka from the Holy text ‘Koushikapaddhati’ is reproduced ahead.
अतिवृष्टि: अनावृष्टि: शलभा मूषका: शुका: ।
स्वचक्रं परचक्रं च सप्तैता ईतय: स्मृता: ॥
(Meaning : Perils such as floods, drought, locust attacks, rat infestation, nuisance of parrots, fights between people, invasion by the enemy, etc. take place if we do not abide by Dharma.)
Since the infection of coronavirous is spreading throughout the world, I asked God with curiosity which Deity’s Name should be chanted to increase our spiritual strength along with medical remedies and to overcome the perils facing the country. I asked – ‘To prevent getting infected by coronavirus or if someone is already infected, which Deity’s Principles are needed ?’ Then, an answer came to my mind – ‘Principles of the Goddess, Deity Datta and Deity Shiva are essential’.
To develop immunity against coronavirus in ourself and increasing spiritual strength, along with medical treatment and remedies, a chant in the proportion of 3 Deities Principles as given ahead has been formed – ‘Shri Durgadevyai Namaha’ 3 times; ‘Shri Gurudev Datta’ once; ‘Shri Durgadevyai Namaha’ 3 times; and ‘Om Namaha Shivaya’ once.
It was realised that this chant affects the lower portion of the abdomen. It takes 30 to 35 minutes to chant this 108 times (1 mala or rosary).
God suggested, ‘To increase the spiritual strength along with medical treatment as remedial measures to prevent the disease, this should be chanted for half-an-hour (1 mala) every day. If anyone exhibits symptoms of being infected by coronavirus, to enhance spiritual strength, he should chant this for 3 hours (6 malas) every day’.
Besides taking medical advice and treatment, this chanting should be done till the corona virus affects us at the world level.
– Sanatan’s Saint H.H. (Dr.) Mukul Gadgil, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa.
People who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider immediately !
Give as much time as possible for Guruseva, and experience the favourable times (meaning, the Guru’s grace) even in adverse times !