47 cows brought for slaughtering in Pandharkawada (Yavatmal) released

47 cows crammed in 5 trucks

Pandharkawada (Yavatmal), January 17 (News) – Police released 47 cows crammed in 5 trucks near Tiranga Dhaba on the Nagpur-Bhagyanagar road. There are 4 illegal slaughterhouses in Pandharkawada city. Despite the ban, 7-8 cows are slaughtered daily. (Residents know this, why don’t the police and administration know ? Why don’t they take any action ? – Editor) Residents of this area are living in a fearful atmosphere.

A case has been registered on the 14 accused, 8 fanatic Muslims and 6 others, carrying those 47 cows and arrested. In this case, goods worth Rs 1 crore 61 thousand have been seized. (These types of incidents will not stop unless the guilty are strictly punished. – Editor)

Editorial Perspective

The ban on cow slaughter is not implemented effectively, hence, cows are slaughtered openly.