Deputy Speaker of Maharashtra Legislative Council Dr Neelam Gorhe accepts the truth about inactive State Corporations, which was earlier exposed by ‘Sanatan Prabhat’

Nagpur – ‘More than 60 Corporations in the State are inactive. Many Corporations receive grants from the Government; but do not submit reports for years.’ This truth was exposed by the daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ recently. Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Council Dr Neelam Gorhe has confirmed this news now. When a representative of the daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ asked a question at a press conference about the plight of Corporations, Dr Neelam Gorhe said that 15 Corporations in the State are non-functional. They are running only to follow up on the past work. As many as 3,500 reports from various Corporations are pending, informed Dr Gorhe.
She added, “The Corporations have to be reminded again and again to submit their reports. If the Corporations that are non-functional are closed, the list of Corporations will be reduced. The condition of some Corporations pathetic. When asked about the pending reports of the ‘Mathadi Workers Corporation’ since 2008, they informed that the administrative posts of the officers are vacant. The vacant posts of the Corporations also need to be filled.” When asked by journalists about the crowd in the legislative premises, Dr Neelam Gorhe said that each MLA is allowed to have only one person along including his private secretary. If 5 people want an entry pass, they must have a letter from 5 MLAs.