Manpower required in Ashrams and Sevakendras for repairing vehicles |
Sanatan Sanstha has Ashrams at Ramnathi (Goa), Devad (Panvel) and Miraj (Sangli) while there are many Sevakendras at other places. Vehicles, mainly two and four wheelers, are used for performing various satevas at these places.
As of now, there is an urgent need of manpower to repair two/four wheelers. Those who have the knowledge of vehicle repairs, can do this sateva either by staying at these Ashrams permanently or for a few days as per their convenience.
Readers, well-wishers and devout Hindus, who are interested in performing this work as sateva or for remuneration, may contact District-sevaks through their local seekers.
Interested seekers, relatives or acquaintances of seekers may directly contact District-sevaks in this regard.
District-sevaks may send the information of interested individuals to with the details asked for ahead. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Bhagyashree Sawant on 7058885610.
1. Name and District
2. Contact number
3. Age
4. Skill and experience
5. Number of days stay in the Ashram (reader, well-wisher, devout Hindu) requested for
6. Interested to do the work as satseva or expect some remuneration for it