Kishanganj (Bihar) – “If Muslims have persecuted non-Muslims in Bangladesh, such Muslims are against Islam. Not only Bangladesh but I appeal to all countries of the world to protect and respect the minority population in their respective countries and not to take away their right to dignity. Islam doesn’t approve of attacks on minorities,” stated Maulana Mahmood Asad Madani, President, Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind while addressing a public gathering. Maulana Madani added,
1. Justice is the key to the survival of the civilised society. Roads and development are important; but discrimination based on caste and religion amongst people would be the biggest betrayal of this country. (There are many castes in Muslims. The dispute between Shia and Sunni has existed from the inception of Islam that has led to deaths of millions of people. Different castes in Islam have different mosques. Why doesn’t Madani say anything about it ? – Editor).
2. Today, Muslims face problems even while walking on the road. They face hatred at every step. (It is like a thief accusing the Police. Police are scared to go and nab a criminal in an area where Muslims are in majority. They attack the Police. Terrorists get shelter in madarasas. Why is Madani silent on this issue ? – Editor).
3. Attempts to spoil harmony in the country for political gains should be stopped. (Madani must talk about Muslim contribution in Kashmir to maintain harmony. Hindus were threatened through loudspeakers on mosques to leave their properties and women. Was that harmony ? Even today, it is difficult for those Hindus to relocate to Kashmir. What attempts will Madani and his organisation make for Hindus to go back to Kashmir and resettle there ? – Editor).
Editorial Perspectives