Three individuals selling unlicensed guns and live cartridges arrested in Mumbai

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Mumbai – In the lane opposite Prabhu Hotel, P. D’Mello Marg, Pydhonie, the Police arrested 3 persons for selling unlicenced pistols and live cartridges. 2 pistols, 1 revolver, 3 country-made single bore-guns, 2 empty magazines, and 67 live cartridges were confiscated from them. The names of the persons arrested in this matter are Abhishek kumar Patel, Siddharth Subhodh Kumar Suman alias Golu, Rachit Ramish kumar Mandal alias Pushpak. Criminal cases has been filed against them.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Strict action has to be taken against these individuals.
  • The people who supplied them with bullets and pistols should be found and strict action taken against them as well.