During Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil’s Divine tour, through various incidents, Panchamahabhuta show how She is an Incarnation
We had gone to Ganpatipule (District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra) in December 2022 to the famous Ganapati Temple there to perform Abhishek (Consecration by ritualistic bathing with water, milk, etc.) as per Maharshi’s instructions. We went to the seashore there in the evening after darshan of Shri Ganesh and performing Abhishek. Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil was sitting on a small stool on the beach and chanting. Intermittently, She was looking at the sea and praying to the Sea-God. At that time, the sea waves would come 2-3 feet near Her and recede. This kept happening as long as She was sitting. Surprisingly, when She stood up, the sea water touched Her feet instantly. After that, the water went 5-6 feet beyond Her. We were watching this Divine scene.
Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil was sitting on a small stool. At that time, the lower border of Her sari was touching the sand. If the water had reached Her, Her saree would have got soaked and been soiled by the sand. The Sea-God was aware of this aspect, and therefore, did not come near Her while She was sitting. It was as if He was waiting for Mahalakshmi-form Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil to get up and then get a chance to touch Her feet. Besides, He also took care not to cause any inconvenience to Her by His contact.
– Mr Valmik Bhukan, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. (30.6.2023)