Statement by Sadanand Saraswati of Dwarka Peeth at the Dharma Sansad in Delhi

New Delhi – On 16th November morning, while speaking at the 3rd Dhrma Sansand, Shankaracharya said, “everyone one is allowed to live here as per the Constitution, however, when people from a particular community try to break our solidarity and attack us, we need rights to protect ourselves,” stated Dwarka Peeth Shankaracharya, Sadanad Saraswati. 50 to 60 saints, and katha-vachak from the country participated in the Dharma Sansad which was organised by Katha-vachak Devkinandan Thakur. Devkinandan demanded ‘Sanatan Board’ like ‘Waqf Board’. He informed that the 4th Dharma Sansad would take place in Prayagraj, Kumbha Mela.
Shankarcharya added, “We will be looked down upon, if we have no knowledge about Dharma. Others will continue to rule us. The original Indians are those who follow Sanatan Dharma. Of course, everyone has right to live but no one has right to attack us. The government must stop infiltrators, because they want to cast votes and become majority to govern us.
Every Hindu must have a weapon and Dharma Granth at home – Pradip Mishra, Kubereshwar Dham

The agenda of the meeting was to establish Sanatan Mandal with the help of Devkinandan Thakur. Pradip Mishra, kubereshwar Dham, appealed that “everyone must have shastra and shaastra (weapons and Dhrama Granth) at home. Our Deities carry weapons; always keep weapons and Dharma Granth with you.”
India is the only safe place for a Sanatanis and Hindus – Mahant Raju Das, Hanuman Garhi, Ayodhya

“Wake up, if you do not wake up, you will be banished from your homes like it was done in Jammu and Kashmir. You are getting killed in Bangladesh, getting abducted, if the same situation arises in India where will you run ? You have no other place to go. India is the only safe place for Sanatanis and Hindus. How can we survive with secularism ?” stated Mahant Raju Das, Hanuman Garhi.