Commonwealth countries ask reparation for slavery to Britain

British Government refuses reparation

Commonwealth, a free association of sovereign states comprising the United Kingdom and a number of its former colonies who have chosen to maintain ties of friendship and practical cooperation and who acknowledge the British monarch as symbolic head of their association. India is also a member.

London (Britain) – A summit meeting of 56 Commonwealth countries was held in Samoa, an Island in the Pacific Ocean near the South American continent. These countries have sought compensation for the damage Britain has done to them.  The atrocities committed by Britain must be redressed, they demanded.

This meeting was organised to come together regarding issues like climate change. Some countries raised the issue of Britain and other European countries’  unfair treatment towards the countries they had enslaved and asked for financial compensation. The Prime Minister of Bahamas said that the discussion regarding the past is important. We must speak out about these historic mistakes. The horror of slavery has created deep wounds in our society. The fight for justice is not over yet.

King Charles III, “no one can change the past”

“I understand that this kind of demand for compensation is due to the lasting painful effects of the past, the resonance of which, we must listen even today. No one can change the past, but we are committed to reform discrimination by taking lessons from the past.”

The British Government rejects the demand

The British government is facing financial crisis. The British Prime Minister Keir Starmer rejected the demand for compensation. At the summit meeting, his aides refused to apologise for the atrocities.

Editorial Perspective

Britain itself is in financial crisis, how will it compensate others ? This condition of Britain proves that a country, which has looted other countries for centuries, must pay with collective sufferings for the bad deeds it has committed.