400 Policemen fined for travelling without ticket in the train

Prayagraj (UP) – If common public travels without a ticket on the train, they are fined; however, employees working in the Police force have been found travelling in the first-class compartment without tickets. The Prayagraj Railway Division in Uttar Pradesh has acted against the Police personnel travelling without tickets. In the last 6 months, 400 Policemen have been sent notices to pay the fine for travelling without tickets. Senior railway officials have launched a drive against ticketless travellers. Many Policemen were found travelling in air-conditioned coaches. Other passengers had to suffer because of these Policemen.

Santosh Kumar, divisional secretary of Indian Railway Ticket Inspection Association, said, some Police officers abuse their powers and travel in air-conditioned coaches. Sometimes these Police officers even threaten passengers and railway staff.

Editorial Perspective

Action should also be taken against officials allowing such freeloader Policemen to travel without tickets on the train.