A military-run country has the audacity to attack the world’s largest democracy

India hits back at Pakistan’s Prime Minister, who criticised India at the United Nations

Indian diplomat Bhavika Mangalanandan and Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif

New York (US) – Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, delivered a hostile speech against India during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. In response, India issued a strong rebuttal. Indian diplomat Bhavika Mangalanandan criticised Pakistan, calling it a ‘hypocritical nation.’ She remarked, “A country run by the military, with a global recognition for terrorism, narcotics trade, and transnational crimes, has had the audacity to attack the world’s largest democracy.”

Key points made by Bhavika Mangalanandan in her sharp criticism of Pakistan,

1. The world knows that Pakistan has long employed cross-border terrorism as a weapon against its neighbours. It has attacked our parliament, our financial capital Mumbai, market places, and pilgrimage routes. The list is long. For such a country to speak about violence anywhere is hypocrisy at its worst.

2. Pakistan should realise that cross-border terrorism against India will inevitably invite consequences.

3. We are talking about a nation that sheltered Osama bin Laden for a long time. This is a nation whose fingerprints are found on numerous terrorist incidents across the world. Its policies have attracted terrorist groups and the worst elements of society to establish bases within Pakistan. For such a country to talk about violence anywhere is the height of hypocrisy.

4. It is ridiculous that the nation that committed genocide in 1971 in Bangladesh and which persecutes its minorities relentlessly even now, can dare speak about intolerances and phobia in the world.

5. The truth is that Pakistan covets Indian territory and in fact has continuously used terrorism to disrupt democratic elections in Jammu and Kashmir, an integral part of India.

6. For a country with a history of rigged elections, to talk about political choices, that too in a democracy, is even more ironic.

What did Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif say earlier ?

1. Muslims are being targeted in India, and the rise of ‘Islamophobia’ is a troubling issue for the world. India’s policy of Hindu supremacy is one of the worst examples of Islamophobia. 20 crore Muslims in India are being oppressed, and there is an aggressive attempt to destroy Islamic heritage.

2. Article 370 should be reinstated in Jammu and Kashmir to restore peace. India should initiate peaceful dialogue to resolve the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the will of the Kashmiri people and UN Security Council resolutions.

3. Palestinians and Kashmiris are alike. There is no difference between them. Both groups have been fighting for freedom and dignity for many years.