Teacher Qasim Rehan saw an porn video before raping a 3-year-old girl!

More than 100 porn videos found in Rehan’s mobile phone

Accused teacher Qasim Rehan

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) – The Police have found evidence that teacher Qasim Rehan had seen porn video before raping a three-year-old girl. They have also found evidence that he downloaded more than 100 porn videos on his mobile phone. Rehan’s mobile phone has been sent to the forensic laboratory for investigation.

Qasim told during the Police enquiry that he had been following the girl for 4-5 days before the incident. He had noted her school commuting times, her time out of class etc. Before the incident, he had seen a porn video in his free time at the school. Soon after, he saw the girl going to the toilet. That time, he abused the girl and threatened not to tell anyone about it. He thought she was an easy target, and he expected her not to reveal about the incident to anyone.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Don’t be surprised if someone demands that such people be punished by burying them waist- deep in a pit and stoning them according to the Sharia law.
  • Such incidents happen every day only because there is no severe punishment for rapists in India. This is a shame for all Governments till date.