Maulana attempts to rape a Hindu woman

  • Maulana was spreading superstition under the garb of exorcism

  • Woman had gone to the madarasa to get a talisman for her sick child

(A Maulana is a scholar of Islam)

Maulana arrested (Credits : Dainik Bhaskar)

Amroha (UP) – On 3rd September, a Maulana named Mansoor from a madarasa in Amroha attempted to rape a Hindu woman who had come to the madarasa to get a talisman for her sick child. The Police have arrested Mansoor in connection with the incident.

Maulana Mansoor, who teaches students in a madarasa located in the Jalalnagar area, also used to spread superstitions about exorcisms. When the woman visited the madarasa to get a talisman for her child, Mansoor told her that the child was possessed by a spirit. When the woman enquired about treatment, Mansoor asked her to bring seven types of sweets, cloves, and nutmeg. After she brought these items, Mansoor told her to undress and lie naked on a bed. The victim woman became suspicious at this point. When she refused to undress, Mansoor became enraged, verbally abused her, and threatened to kill her. The woman promptly called the Police helpline number 112. The Police arrived at the scene and arrested Mansoor.

Editorial Perspective

Since many madarasas have become hubs of criminal activities such as obscenity, lust, hooliganism, and terrorism, how many more incidents must occur before the Government bans such madarasas ?