Pakistani citizens cut a 25-metre portion of wire fence on the Indo-Pak international border

More than 150 goats enter the Indian territory

New Delhi – It has been found that Pakistanis have recently cut up to 25 metre of the ‘Single Line’ security wire fence in the Indian territory along the Indo-Pak International Border. More than 150 goats from Pakistan crossed the border and entered Indian Territory. (Why were these goats sent into Indian territory ? Is there any conspiracy behind this ? It should be investigated. – Editor). The goats have been seized by the Border Security Force (BSF). Since the Pak Forest Officer (Ranger) refused to take them back, the BSF has been looking after the goats for the past one and a half months. Hence, the BSF has written a letter to the Collector to dispose of the goats.

The rules provide for giving goats to a voluntary organisation. No NGO in the District is keeping and maintaining livestock; hence, the only alternative is to auction the goats at the local level. Until then, these goats will remain with the BSF, sources said.

Editorial Perspective

If the fence can be cut over such a long length, meaning there is laxity in the security along the border.