Possibility of bogus Administrative officers appointed in the State; ‘Surajya Abhiyan’ demands Inquiry

A serious case involving Pooja Khedkar, an Indian Administrative Officer of the 2023 batch from the Maharashtra cadre, has recently come to light. Khedkar allegedly used a fake disability certificate to clear the UPSC exam. As a result, the Central Public Service Commission has temporarily cancelled her candidature, and the matter is currently under judicial review. This incident has raised concerns, as there have been previous instances of fake disability certificates being used in the State.

It is highly likely that similar fraudulent appointments may have been made in the Indian Administrative Service or other Government services in the State. Given the gravity of the situation, ‘Surajya Abhiyan’ demanded an inquiry into such bogus appointments. Mr Abhishek Murukate (Maharashtra State Coordinator of ‘Surajya Abhiyan’) submitted a formal request to the Governor of Maharashtra urging a thorough inquiry into these potentially fraudulent activities.

Earlier in May 2022, a shocking case emerged involving officials from the Orthopaedic Department of Sassoon Hospital in Pune, who were found to have issued fake disability certificates. In response, the Government constituted a 3-member Committee in June 2022 to investigate the matter. The Department of Medical Education sent letters to the Commissioner of the Directorate of Medical Education and Research twice, in July and October 2022, requesting an inquiry report on the issue. Pune BJP MLA Madhuri Misal and MLA Sunil Kamble raised a pointed question in the Legislative Assembly in August 2022. The then Medical Education Minister, Girish Mahajan, acknowledged the issuance of fake certificates at Sassoon Hospital. Despite these revelations and the subsequent admissions, no further action has been taken, indicating a possibility that these cases are being deliberately suppressed.

As the head of the Administrative service, will the Governor himself pay attention ?

Abhishek Murukate

On behalf of ‘Surajya Abhiyan’, a letter was sent to the Commissioner, Medical Education, Research Directorate on 8th May 2024, highlighting the pending action in the case of fake disability certificates issued by officials of the Orthopaedic Department of Sassoon Hospital, Pune.

Corruption has already permeated the Administrative system. If bogus officers are appointed through fake disability certificates, the system will collapse. Considering the seriousness of this issue and the future danger it poses, the Governor, as the head of the Administrative service in the State, should investigate this case personally. The Governor should order the Government to take concrete legal action against the issuers as well as the recipients of fake disability certificates. This demand was made by Mr Abhishek Murukate.

(Read more about such proactivism : hindujagruti.org)