Target Railway tracks in India : Indian Jihadis incited by Pakistani terrorist

New Delhi – In the past few months, there have been many incidents of derailment of trains in our country. In the past few days, incidents of stones and iron materials being placed on the railway tracks were also revealed. While there is suspicion of a conspiracy behind these recent incidents, a 12-minute video of Farhatullah Ghori, a Jihadi terrorist in Pakistan, has come to light. Through this video, he has incited local terrorist (called sleeper cells) groups to target Indian Railways, fuel and water pipelines, the Police and Hindu leaders. Ghori is currently staying there on the instructions of Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI and conspiring against India. In this video, Ghori is telling how explosions can be carried out in the Railways in different ways. He has also proposed the idea of making bombs from implements such as ‘pressure cookers’.

Terrorist Ghori says in the video – “The Government of India has seized the property of our people through the National Investigation Agency and Enforcement Directorate. Bank accounts are being sealed. Our properties are being bulldozed on a regular basis. In such a situation, the Government of India needs to be given a befitting response. The response means targeting their leaders, targeting financial and supply chains and vandalising the Railways. First you need to stand up for yourself, then many groups will stand in your support. It is not necessary to take up arms, India can be harmed in other ways as well. Convince new team entrants and use them for your work. Each team has to work in its own way so that the investigative agencies cannot reach them”.

Farhatullah Ghori has also asked terrorists to kill Hindu leaders and Police besides targeting the Railways and administrative system. He has asked to invent new methods to achieve these.

In this video, a young man is seen walking on the Railway tracks with a knife. A person is seen loading bullets into a pistol.

Ghori is the mastermind behind Akshardham and Rameswaram Café attacks

Farhatullah Ghori is the mastermind behind the blast at the Rameswaram Café in Bengaluru in January. He was also involved in the attack on the Akshardham Temple in Gujarat in 2002. His main task was to recruit Muslim youth from India and turn them into terrorists. He is the handler of several terrorist modules.

Editorial Perspective

This shows the reasons behind railway accidents in India. This is ‘Railway Jihad’ and it is necessary to be tough to crush all different types of Jihad in the country.