A chopped cow tail thrown outside a temple In Bhilwada

  • Hindus stage hunger strike in city

  • Police lathi-charge

Hindus protest through hunger strike

Bhilwada (Rajasthan) – The severed tail of a cow was found outside a temple here on August 25, creating tension in the city. This time a mob pelted stones on the shops and the Police. The Police resorted to lathi-charge twice to bring the crowd under control. After that the situation came under control. Some workers of the RSS have staged a hunger strike protest in front of the office of the Superintendent of Police. Hundreds of people were trying to reach his office. ‘Until the houses of criminals are demolished, we will not stop our hunger strike,’ the RSS workers demanded. They have also announced an indefinite bandh (shutdown) if the accused are not arrested within 12 hours.

1. Mahant Mahamandleshwar Hansram of Hari Seva Dham said that the miscreants have cut off a cow’s tail and thrown it outside the temple. They want to spread unrest in the city and State. The administration is not paying attention to this. Police have not arrested anyone in this case yet. The administration is engaged in silencing the Hindu community; but now the Hindu community has woken up and due to this incident the entire Hindu community has united. Bhilwada will remain closed until the miscreants are arrested.

2. Ravi Jaju, Provincial Service Head of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, demanded that “Similar to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma should also destroy the legal and illegal properties of the accused to establish peace.”

Editorial Perspective

How can the Jihadis dare engage in this kind of activity in a BJP ruled Rajasthan ? The Police must arrest the culprits and attempt for severe punishment.