Pakistan’s ‘Jamaat-e-Islami’ organisation behind the violence on anti-quota movement in Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh – “The student fronts of the opposition Jamaat-e-Islami and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party [BNP] have infiltrated this anti-quota movement. They are the ones who initiated the violence,” Law Minister Anisul Huq reported. Dhaka (Bangladesh) Information provided by the intelligence revealed that 5,000 Taka (Approx Rs 3,500) was paid for each student killed in the agitation and 10,000 Taka (Approx Rs 7,000) for killing a policeman. The protest was carried out by Yuva Dala, a student organization of the Bangladesh National Party (BNP), an opposition party in Bangladesh.

The agitation was planned in London. BNP chief Tarique Rahman lives there. He connected with Pakistani artisans in London and collected money and sent it to a person named Sultan in Dhaka. Violence was carried out using this money. Bangladesh Police has arrested Sultan.

Editorial Perspective

No doubt, Pakistan, which carries out terrorist activities in other Islamic countries, can easily carry out such activities in Hindu-majority India.