Muslim doctor married a Hindu woman pretending to be a Hindu; forcibly converted her after he was exposed

Love Jihad case in Uttar Pradesh

Deoband (Uttar Pradesh) – A shocking incident of a Muslim doctor hiding his religion and marrying a Hindu woman has come to light. When the victim got to know the truth about him, the doctor forcibly converted her and then performed Nikah with her as per the Islamic custom. The victim is a resident of Bengal. According to her, Abar, a Muslim doctor from Deoband, married her as per Hindu custom, naming himself as Aman Dixit. After this, the accused brought her to Deoband, forcibly converted her and married her. The victim Hindu woman alleges that Dr Abar has married five times so far.

The victim narrated the incident to the media through Hindu organisations. According to the woman’s complaint, the accused doctor. A case has been registered against Abar in Deoband police station. The complaint also alleged rape and beating. Legal action will be taken according to whatever facts come to light in this case, said the Police Officer.

Editorial Perspectives

  • No matter how well-educated and high-ranking a Muslim is, doing ‘Jihad’ is his priority, it can be seen from this incident.
  • It has been made clear many times till now that no Government can stop Love Jihad. Hence, we need a Hindu Rashtra.