Income of Muslims in the country has increased more than that of Hindus

Information from a survey conducted by ‘PRICE’, a non-profit organisation

New Delhi – In a survey conducted by the non-profit ‘People’s Research on India’s Consumer Economy’ (PRICE), it has been revealed that the annual income of Muslims in the country has increased by 28%, while that of Hindus has increased by 19%. The survey was conducted among 2 lakh 1 thousand 900 families in 1 thousand 944 villages of 165 Districts of the country. According to the data, annual income of a Muslim family has increased by 27.7% from Rs 2 lakh 73 thousand to Rs 3 lakh 49 thousand, while the annual income of a Hindu family has increased by 18.8% to Rs 3 lakh 52 thousand from Rs 2 lakh 96 thousand. The Muslim community falls into economically weaker sections. Due to this, the Muslim families have benefitted more from the comparative improvement in this class.

1. According to PRICE’s data, the income share of the upper class has decreased from 52% to 45%. As the income share of the upper class decreased, the income of the poor and middle class increased. The Government’s free grain schemes, Kisan Sanman Nidhi and housing schemes have played an important role in bridging the socio-economic gap to some extent. (A tight slap in the face of Congress party which keeps shouting that the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing in the country – Editor).

2. The annual income of a Sikh family in the country has increased from Rs 4 lakh 40 thousand to Rs 6 lakh 93 thousand. The annual income of Jain-Parsis and other small communities has increased from Rs 3 lakh 64 thousand to Rs 5 lakh 57 thousand.

Editorial Perspective

Muslims are always ahead in taking advantage of various Government welfare schemes and thereby becoming financially stronger compared to people from other communities. Yet, the Congress and Communist politicians are shouting that ‘Muslims are being oppressed in the country’.