Sam Pitroda reappointed as the president of Indian Overseas Congress

Sam Pitroda

New Delhi – Sam Pitroda has been reappointed as the president of the Indian Overseas Congress. Congress leader K.C. Venugopal announced this through a circular. Pitroda was removed from this position a few months ago, due to his controversial remarks on Indians. Following this decision, BJP leader Amit Malviya criticised Congress stating, “The tormentor of middle class is back. Congress hoodwinks India, brings back Sam Pitroda soon after elections.”

What did Sam Pitroda say ?

In an interview with ‘The Statesman,’ Sam Pitroda commented on India’s democracy, stating, “In India, people from the northeast look like Chinese, people from the west look like Arabs, people from the north perhaps resemble Western Caucasians, and people from the south look like Africans. Yet, this has not affected our way of living. We have managed to keep a diverse country united as brothers and sisters.”

Editorial Perspective

This shows Congress’ disdain for Indians. Removing Pitroda was just a token action. Do Hindus who vote for Congress accept this ?