Contribute intellectually to fight anti-Hindu Rashtra narrative : Chetan Rajhans, Sanatan Sanstha

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4 – Intellectual Movement for Hindu Rashtra

Chetan Rajhans, National Spokesperson, Sanatan Sanstha

Ramnath Devasthan – Current issues are being turned into propaganda tools and anti-national and anti-Hindu narratives are being spread. Although it appears as though there is one person doing it, there are anti-national forces working behind the screens. Marxists, Atheists, Progressives, Missionaries have come together and are working with an agenda. Their plan is to break India and destroy Hindu Dharma. When an Akhlaq is killed they resort to Award Wapsi, but when a Kanhaiya Lal is beheaded they keep quiet. This coterie does not speak about Love Jihad. These people call religion the opium of the masses and then agitate for the entry of women into the Sabarimala Ayyappa temple. They have selective mutism when it comes to certain events. So to face them, Hindus will also have to work in unison.

There is an attempt to utilise filmmaking, social media, judiciary, politics, sports, art, etc. to disseminate anti-national and anti-Hindu narratives. In the last 10 years, there has been a great ideological polarisation in all these fields. So the next 5 years are important to us. An intellectual society does not work together because of differences, but this has to change in future. Hindus have to forget ideological and intellectual differences and work together for the establishment of Hindu Rashtra, said Chetan Rajhans (National spokesperson, Sanatan Sanstha). He was speaking during the Hindu Vicharmanthan Mahotsav – Direction of the Intellectual Movement on the fourth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) here.