Muslim-majority country Tajikistan bans hijab

(Hijab is a cloth to cover the head and neck of Muslim women)

Dushanbe (Tajikistan) – The Muslim-majority country of Tajikistan, which gained independence from Soviet Union, has formally banned the hijab. In this regard, the Upper House of Parliament passed a bill on 19thJune. Violators of this ban will be charged.

Tajikistan has had an undeclared ban on the hijab for years. Now that the bill has been passed in the parliament, it has received the approval of the Government. There is also an undeclared ban on having a big beard in the country. In 2007, the Ministry of Education banned both Islamic dress and Western-style miniskirts for students and later extended the ban to all public institutions.

Editorial Perspective

If hijab can be banned in Islamic countries, why not in secular India ?