Supreme Court Orders Demolition of Ancient Shiva Temple in Delhi

  • Temple Located in Yamuna Floodplain!
  • Court Declares the Temple Illegal!

New Delhi – On June 14, the Supreme Court upheld an order allowing the demolition of an ancient Shiva temple situated in the floodplain of the Yamuna River, deeming it illegal. This decision maintains the order previously given by the Delhi High Court on May 29. The Akhada Committee had challenged the High Court’s decision by approaching the Supreme Court against the Delhi Development Authority. The Supreme Court bench, comprising Justices P.V. Sanjay Kumar and Augustine George Masih, delivered this verdict. Justice P.V. Kumar questioned, “How can you build an Akhada in a floodplain?”

What Did the Delhi High Court Order Say?

Delhi High Court Justice Dharmesh Sharma stated:

1. Deity Shiva would be more pleased if the Yamuna riverbed and floodplains were free from encroachments and illegal constructions.

2. Deity Shiva does not need the protection of the court; instead, we need Shiva’s protection and blessings.

3. Daily prayers are held at the temple, and special programs are organized during certain festivals. This does not grant the temple public significance. There is no documentation to support the petitioner’s claim that the temple is dedicated to the public or managed as a private temple by the community.

Editorial Perspective

Would such decisions ever be possible regarding majority religious sites in Islamic countries like Pakistan or Bangladesh? Despite this, those claiming Indian democracy favors Hindus and is anti- minorities should be questioned now!