Attack on Hindu Pilgrims in Jammu : Pakistani terrorists behind the attack

Jammu – In the Reasi area near Jammu, terrorists attacked a bus carrying Hindu pilgrims en route Shri Vaishnodevi Temple, resulting in the deaths of seven pilgrims, the bus driver, and the bus conductor. After the terrorists opened fire on the driver, he lost control of the vehicle, causing the bus to plunge into a ravine. Even after the crash, the terrorists continued to shoot at the bus, firing 30 to 40 rounds. Consequently, the injured passengers lay helpless inside. According to the Police, both terrorists are Pakistani nationals. The terrorist Abu Hamza is believed to be behind this attack, and the search for him is ongoing.

The bus carried pilgrims from Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Rajasthan

The attacked bus was carrying pilgrims from Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and Rajasthan. The injured have been admitted to a hospital. The Government has announced a compensation of Rs 10,00,000 for the families of the deceased and Rs 50,000 for the injured.

National Investigation Agency (NIA) to investigate

The investigation of this incident has been handed over to the National Investigation Agency (NIA). The site is being inspected using drones, and a forensic team has also arrived at the scene.

Survived by pretending to be dead in the bus : A pilgrim described the situation

A passenger on the bus recounted that even after the bus fell into the ravine, the terrorists continued to shoot at it. They intermittently fired at the bus, forcing us to pretend to be dead inside. The shooting lasted for approximately 20 minutes. The Police arrived about 30 minutes later and rescued us. Another pilgrim mentioned that there were 6-7 terrorists, whose faces were covered with masks. Initially, they surrounded the bus on the road and opened fire. After the bus fell into the ravine, they descended to it and continued shooting to ensure that everyone was killed. We remained silent and still.

‘The Resistance Front’ claims responsibility for the attack

The Jihadi terrorist organisation ‘The Resistance Front,’ a branch of Lashkar-e-Taiba and supported by Pakistan, has claimed responsibility for this terrorist attack. The terrorists were hiding in the forest near the site and suddenly emerged in front of the bus and started shooting.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Over the past 34 years, despite the global awareness of Pakistan’s consistent terrorist activities in India, particularly in Kashmir, India has never taught Pakistan a lasting lesson, which is shameful for the Governments of different political parties till date.
  • Considering the fact that these attacks are directed at Hindus, it will not be incorrect to say that the situation will remain unchanged unless Hindus pressurise the Government in this regard.
  • Previously too, terrorists have targeted buses carrying Hindu pilgrims and killed many innocent Hindus. Has the Government not learned anything from these attacks ? Given the threats to Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir, why aren’t armed Police present on such buses ? Hindus deserve an answer.