Modi Gets Political Shock : US Newspapers

Lok Sabha election 2024

Washington (US) – The results of India’s Lok Sabha elections have also been covered by US newspapers. The Washington Post wrote, “The popular Prime Minister has never failed to win a majority in State or Central elections in his 23-year political career. In the last election, he achieved a resounding victory; however, it appears that Modi has suffered a political shock this time. Early voting data indicates weak support for his Hindu nationalist party.” (Why do foreign media object to BJP’s Hindu nationalism ? When the US takes actions in its national interest, it is considered nationalism, but when other countries do, it is seen as authoritarianism by US media. This shows their anti-Hindu bias. – Editor)

The New York Times wrote that the invincibility aura around Narendra Modi has collapsed. The BJP lost its most favoured seat, Ayodhya. The BJP received a setback in Uttar Pradesh.

The Financial Times mentioned that this result will bring back ‘coalition politics’ in Indian politics. Many Indians had expected a clear Modi victory in an election seen as a referendum on his decade in office.

Al Jazeera reported that there will be challenges in Parliament. Several bills need to be passed, and the BJP will have to make a lot of compromises for that. Previously, when they had a huge majority, they did not compromise.

Defeat in Ayodhya is a shock for many – Pakistani daily ‘Dawn’

Pakistani newspaper Dawn reported that the vote count in India shows Modi’s coalition winning with a surprisingly narrow majority. Notably, the BJP lost the Ayodhya seat in Uttar Pradesh. Ayodhya constituency holds the prestigious Shriram Temple project for the BJP. This is a shock for many. The BJP has accepted the defeat in Ayodhya. Rahul Gandhi says, ‘Voters have punished the BJP.’

Editorial Perspective

In this year’s election in India, foreign media, especially US media, interfered significantly. They had also objected to holding elections in April and May. Furthermore, they wrote contradictory things about Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP Government. Now that Modi has been elected for a third term, these media moguls will surely feel envious.