It is necessary that Narendra Modi is defeated : Pakistan’s Former Minister Fawad Chaudhry

Fawad Chaudhry, Pakistan’s Former Minister wants Narendra Modi to be defeated. (Credit – Lokmat)

Islamabad (Pakistan) – “Narendra Modi has an extremist ideology. It is essential that he is defeated. Everyone in Pakistan, wants Narendra Modi to be defeated. Whoever defeats him, whether it is Rahul Gandhi, Kejriwal or Mamata Banerjee, we shall support them with our best wishes,” stated Fawad Chaudhry, Pakistan’s Former Minister.

Fawad Chaudhry added, “Relations between India-Pakistan will improve only when there is reduction in terrorism in both the countries. The common people of Pakistan have no malice towards the people of India. But the RSS and BJP continuously create hatred towards Pakistan in the minds of Indians. This is not good for the common people of both the countries.

Editorial Perspective

Leaders of Pakistan are under the illusion that Modi can be defeated just by making such statements. On the contrary, Indians are saying that Pakistan will be broken into pieces, and it will happen soon. Pakistani leaders should pay attention to this instead.