‘Love Jihad’ started from Jharkhand : Prime Minister Modi

PM alleges that the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha Government is protecting perpetrators of Love Jihad

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a public meeting for the Lok Sabha elections in Jharkhand’s Dumka district. (Credit – LiveMint)

Dumka (Jharkhand) – “Naxalism grew to a large extent in Jharkhand when the Congress was in power. Lives of many youths as well as many tribal families were destroyed. Today Jharkhand is full of infiltrators. Therefore, the number of tribals in Jharkhand has started to decrease. Due to these infiltrators, the safety of tribal girls is in danger. Many girls were also murdered, while some were burnt alive. Jharkhand Government is protecting the perpetrators. ‘Love Jihad’ also started in Jharkhand,” said Prime Minister Narendra Modi while criticising Congress and Jharkhand Mukti Morcha in an election rally held here.

PM Modi further said, “Some political leaders in Jharkhand changed their parents’ names to grab land. They also grabbed the land of the Indian Army. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha leaders have stolen food from the people’s plates. They also committed scam in the ‘Har Ghar Jal’ (Water at every home) scheme. They did not feel any shame in doing such scams.” Modi warned that strict action will be taken against these corrupt leaders after 4th June.

Editorial Perspective

Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accepted the existence of Love Jihad, what do those denying its existence have to say now ? Now the Hindus expect Prime Minister Modi to solve this national issue and try to free the Hindus from fear.