To prevent the killings of Chinese engineers in Pakistan, China lures the Taliban

Beijing (China) – Pakistan’s military is failing to prevent attacks by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants on Chinese engineers working on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project, China has said. China has now reached out to the Taliban to stop the killing of Chinese citizens. China has appealed to the Taliban to stop the terrorist organization ‘Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’ from attacking Chinese citizens. Not only this, China has given a big lure to the Taliban that if it stops the ‘TTP’ from invading, China will invest billions of dollars in Afghanistan. Recently, TTP terrorists killed Chinese engineers and Pakistan Army forces failed to stop them.

According to the report of the Chinese newspaper ‘Morning Post’, terrorist attacks have been taking place from the borders of Afghanistan and Iran in recent days. Pakistan says that the Taliban is encouraging the terrorists of TTP. The Taliban is constantly trying to get China to invest in mining and other sectors in Afghanistan. Against this backdrop, China has shown this bait.