Delhi HC dismisses two petitions demanding cap on airfares

The airline industry is doing well and well-controlled : Delhi High Court

Courtesy : Business Today

New Delhi – The Delhi High Court has dismissed two petitions seeking a cap on air ticket prices. The Court stated that it would not be appropriate to apply a new rule to the entire industry based on isolated incidents. As a result, it is not correct to consider such Public Interest Litigations (PILs). The Court noted that the airline industry in the country is doing well and therefore, decided not to issue any directives regarding the fixing of air ticket prices.

Advocates Amit Sahni and Bejon Kumar Misra filed these PILs. They argued, “There should be a limit on the prices of air tickets to prevent arbitrary acts by aviation companies and the extortion of passengers.”

A rickshaw fare is often more than a plane ticket : HC

The High Court further stated that the price of an air ticket should be determined by market conditions. The aviation sector is doing well and has become highly competitive. Nowadays, even rickshaw fares cost more than air tickets.