Muhammad Yunus meets leaders of extremist group Hefazat-E-Islam

Bangladesh Interim Govt leader surrenders to extremists

Muhammad Yunus meets leaders of Hefazat-e-Islam (Credits : India Today)

Dhaka, Bangladesh – After the fall of Sheikh Hasina Government, the Bangladesh’s Interim Government has surrendered completely to the extremists. Muhammad Yunus held a meeting in Dhaka with the leader of extremist group Hefazat-E-Islam,  Mamun ul Haque and other members of the group, on 31st August 2024. They discussed electoral reforms and holding elections on time.

Hefazat-E-Islam’s India hatred

Meeting between Muhammad Yunus and Mamunul Haque is a matter of concern for India. The leaders of Hefazat-E-Islam are known for their provocative statements and anti-India stand. During Sheikh Hasina regime Mamunul Haque was arrested on various charges, including inciting violence. Interim Government in Bangladesh has released Mamunul Haque and other Jihadi leaders.

Editorial Perspective

It will not be a surprise if there is anarchy in Bangladesh in future like in Pakistan, because of the Jihadi fundamentalists, fanatics and terrorists.