A mighty blow to the conspirators of the ‘Hindu Terrorism’ theory : Sanatan Sanstha

(From left) Mr Sunil Ghanwat, Mr Abhay Vartak

Pune / Mumbai – Sanatan Sanstha held a Press Conference in Mumbai and Pune on the afternoon of 10th May on the outcome of the Dr Narendra Dabholkar murder case. The conspirators of the ‘Hindu Terrorism’ theory have been defeated today. Additionally, Sanatan Sanstha announced at this time that it will fight for the acquittal of Sachin Andure and Sharad Kalaskar, who were convicted in this case.

Delayed justice – Sanatan Sanstha

Mr Chetan Rajhans (National Spokesperson, Sanatan Sanstha) has said that this verdict has proved that Sanatan’s seekers were innocent, and the conspiracy of ‘Urban Naxalites’ to prove that Sanatan Sanstha is a ‘Hindu terrorist’ organisation has failed. Today, after 11 years, this is indeed the belated justice for Sanatan Sanstha.

Pune – A press conference was held on behalf of Sanatan Sanstha in the press house in Pune. During the Press Conference, Mr Abhay Vartak, Sanatan’s Spokesperson questioned, ‘Who will compensate for the infamy of Mr Vikram Bhave, Dr Virender Singh Tawde, Advocate Sanjeev Punalekar ?’ More than 30 journalists were present on this occasion.

Today innocent youths Mr Sharad Kalaskar and Sachin Andure have been sentenced; however, Mr Vartak also expressed his belief that they will be acquitted in future.

The points presented by Mr Abhay Vartak in the Press Conference

1. Normally the accused try to delay the Court proceedings to delay the verdict. Here, however, the Dabholkar family approached the High Court and demanded that the investigation be stopped, and indeed period was extended. Otherwise, Dr Tawde would have been released in the year 2018 itself. This may be the only case in India where the relatives of the murdered individual have requested to stay the case for 5 years. From this it is clear that the Dabholkar family took the perverse pleasure of detaining the devout Hindus with the evil intention of keeping the Hindus under arrest at the cost of the actual criminals remaining scot-free.

2. Over 1,600 seeker families of Sanatan Sanstha were investigated. Sanatan Sanstha endured all this injustice for 11 years. Hamid Dabholkar also claimed that threats are bring issued by Sanatan Sanstha, ‘We will make second Gandhi out of Dabholkar’; however, presented no evidence to support the cause in the Court. This resulted in Sanatan’s unnecessary defamation; however, this verdict has erased the stain on Sanatan.

3. ANiS activist Milind Deshmukh met the witnesses and had lunch with them while the investigation into Dabholkar’s murder case was going on. In fact, neither the plaintiff nor the defendant were allowed to meet the witnesses, but in this case the law was flouted. Who were involved in this ? We demand that they be investigated and arrested.

Why were ANiS’s financial scams, Caste-panchayat, ANiS’ campaign against bogus doctors were not investigated ? – Mr Sunil Ghanwat, State Convenor, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Mr Sunil Ghanwat

In the Dabholkar murder cases, the accused changed repeatedly. The fake story created by the investigating agencies has now been proved ineffective. Various pro-Hindu organisations such as Warkari Sampraday, Shri Shivapratisthan, Hindusthan, Hindu Ekta Andolan, Hindu Rashtra Sena opposed the Andhashraddha Nirmulan Act and they were investigated. Why should it not be said that the activists of ANiS, meaning, urban Naxalite were involved in these naxalite activities ? Why were ANiS financial scams, Caste-panchayat, ANiS campaign against bogus doctors etc. were not investigated ? This question was raised by Sunil Ghanwat on this occasion.

Mr Ghanwat further added that he himself had reported ANiS’ scams along with the evidence to the Satara Charitable Commissioner. Why all these possibilities were not considered during the investigation ? This result has derailed the theory of Hindu terrorism. All this was done to prove the system adopted by the progressives.

The Court has also struck down the ‘UAPA’ (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) related to terrorist activities, which was introduced in this crime. The plan to ban Sanatan Sanstha as ‘Saffron terrorist’ by imposing this law has been ruined by this verdict.