A religious fanatic abducts one more minor Hindu girl
A social activist Rahat Austin tweeted that a religious fanatic abducted a 12-year-old Hindu girl in the Sindh province of Pakistan.
A social activist Rahat Austin tweeted that a religious fanatic abducted a 12-year-old Hindu girl in the Sindh province of Pakistan.
Iran has decided to remove India from the Chabahar railway project. The reason for the cancellation of the project is that India was delaying the funding for the project for the last 4 years.
At the Saidpur village near Margalla Hills, an ancient Ram Mandir is situated. Hindus are prohibited from performing ‘Puja’ and other sacred rituals in the temple.
The bamboo fence bordering a 200-year-old Shiva temple and a privately owned land was destroyed by religious fanatics in the Dighirjan village of Pirojpur District in Bangladesh.
‘Non-Muslims who are on good terms with Muslims have not converted to accepted Islam. Therefore, they will not attain heaven (jannat).
The funeral gathering was of 87-year-old Khairul Islam – a vice-president of the All India Jamiat Ulema and “Aamir-e-Shariat” for the Northeast. The gathering was held at his native place in Nagaon on the afternoon of 2nd July.
‘China must terminate family planning operations by force of Uighur Muslim and other minority community women. We vehemently protest’, said the Foreign Minister of the US, Mike Pompeo.
Beef worth Rs.7 Lakhs was seized on the Hukkeri-Belgavi highway by the District Crime Detection team, and Ramzan Ilahi Shaikh and Masim Bashabhai Kalal (Both residents of Nurani Galli, Sangli) were arrested while one suspect is absconding.
A family of 35 Muslims residing in Asangaon entered Hindu Dharma. With the help of Hindu Yuva Vahini, they were able to do so.
The religious fanatics brutally murdered a Hindu youth on the 19th June at Lezai. His name is Saurabh Das. The killer disposed of his body in the Sesa River.